Hypnotherapy Melbourne, Georgina Mitchell,Hypnosis Melbourne

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Setting Healthy Boundaries with Social Media

There’s no denying it, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From keeping in touch with friends and family to staying updated with global events, its benefits are undeniable. However, like any powerful tool, it requires careful management to prevent its potential harms from outweighing its advantages. Setting healthy boundaries with social media is not just advisable but crucial for our mental well-being and overall quality of life.

The Harms of Excessive Social Media Use

Social media, when used excessively or without boundaries, can lead to various negative impacts on mental health:

  1. Anxiety and Depression: Constant comparison to others' curated lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

  2. Sleep Disturbances: Late-night scrolling disrupts sleep patterns, affecting overall health and productivity.

  3. Reduced Productivity: Excessive time spent on social media can detract from real-world responsibilities and goals, as well as disrupting our ability to focus and follow through on tasks consistently and efficiently without interruption.

  4. Poor Self-Esteem: Unrealistic beauty standards and a culture of perfectionism can harm self-image.

  5. Loneliness: Counter intuitively, extensive use of social media leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The sense of connection online is superficial and unsatisfying.

Setting Boundaries: Practical Steps

Establishing boundaries is essential to harnessing the benefits of social media while mitigating its drawbacks:

  1. Designate Tech-Free Zones: Create spaces in your home where phones and computers are not allowed, such as during meals or before bed.

  2. Limit Screen Time: Set specific times during the day for social media use and stick to them.

  3. Turn Off Notifications: Reduce the impulse to check constantly by disabling non-essential notifications.

  4. Engage in Real-Life Activities: Prioritise face-to-face interactions, hobbies, and outdoor activities over virtual connections.

Hypnotherapy: A Tool for Change

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to managing and reducing excessive social media use. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help individuals:

  • Break Habitual Patterns: Address underlying triggers that lead to compulsive social media use.

  • Enhance Self-Control: Strengthen willpower and decision-making capabilities to resist the urge to constantly check social media.

  • Promote Relaxation: Reduce stress and anxiety associated with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and social comparison.ifii

  • Increase Confidence and Motvation: Increase the desire to engage in real world activities and build meaningful connections.


In conclusion, while social media can enrich our lives, it's essential to establish boundaries that enable mental well-being. Hypnotherapy presents an effective avenue for those struggling to moderate their social media use, offering a holistic approach to reclaiming control over one's digital habits. By setting clear boundaries and integrating techniques like hypnotherapy, we can foster healthier relationships with technology and with ourselves.

If you’d like help getting of social media and back in to real life, give me a call today on 0435 923 817. Life can be so much richer and more rewarding than days wasted doom scrolling.

Learn more about the impact of social media on our kids mental health in this recommended book - The Anxious Generation